Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Snow! End of days! Calamity!

It snowed in Austin yesterday. Some may consider this the end of the world and some may just considering a once in a blue moon happening. Me, you ask? How do I see it? I see it as a perfect opportunity to compare and contrast the different ways that people react to snowy weather.

Now, being from Maine, I know a thing or two about snow. School doesn't get canceled unless there is more than 8 inches, business doesn't close unless there is more than 2 feet on the ground and still snowing and people stay in their houses once the snow drifts get high enough so you can't see through the second story windows.

Here is Texas, half an inch of snow falls and mayhem ensues. Businesses close, children look on in awe, Christ makes an appearance on a frosty window, sirens wail and cars pile up in the hundreds on the highway. The drivers don't know how to drive when it start to rain so how would they be able to deal with a little bit of snow without incident? Simple answer: they can't. Even on dry pavement, you hear people burning rubbah (squeal them piggies! oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnn, light 'em up!) while starting from a stop light or coming to a sudden stop behind a row of cars stopped at said stop light. Now add a small layer of ice and snow... and this is what you get.

This picture was taken outside of my apartment.

If anyone is going to go to hell... it will be Texas drives.

On the positive side of things, people get really excited about the snow down here and have a lot of fun playing in it (what little there is to play in). I saw many pictures on the interwebs (via facebook) of people making tiny snowmen and carving their names in the snow with there own urine and then destroying said snowmen with said urine. Its a great country.

The other great thing about snow days is that kittens start to get really cuddly because they don't want to go outside even more than you don't want to (and besides... they're not allowed to).
"Iz cn playz guitarz?"

Nothin' like a good face sit (look close.. my left side burn [no, my left! not your left!] is actually her tale, anus on my ear and all).

But no matter how hard you try, this blissful state cannot linger on endlessly. 24 hours later the snow will be gone and the 30 degree weather will bump back up into the 70's and the population as a whole will have a massive runny nose which will runoff into the Colorado river... gross.

Before (Yesterday).

After (today).

Ah, Texas, how I love thee.

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